This site will contain my candid observations of the world around me.
I don't know what to even say. I just figured that it might be kinda fun to do my own blog after becoming acquainted with blogs on the internet in the past year. Shit, I didn't even have a computer until March of last year. I don't know what I'd do without one now.

Although I follow politics, I don't feel strongly enough about them to go on some personal crusade about them. Right now I'll have to say that I think Bush is a complete tool and needs to go. I'm more into sports, especially football. Football rules, and right now I'm in football hell because the NFL regular season is still three and a half months away.

I haven't even taken any time to read much of what's going up on this blog site. I did read about some chic that was bummed out because she was in love with some dude who only wants her as a booty call. She wanted some input as to how to proceed with the relationship. She wanted to know if she should tell the guy she wanted more. Sweetheart; once a bootie call, always a bootie call!! Chances are he doesn't even want people to know he's bangin' you. He's also probably bangin' a couple of other broads too.

It's been a long time since I've done some serious writing. I guess that's due to the fact that I've been working a dead-end job in a grocery store on graveyard shift for thirteen years now. It's a job where you can be as big of a drunk or dope addict as you want. All you've got to do is get your ass to work. The best part of the job is the free grub. That's the number one perk of working in the witching hours in a supermarket. Trust me, after smoking a big fat bowl you get a little satisfaction out of probably the only benefit of holding that dumb job.

I like this new outlet for my thoughts. It's going to be interesting to me to see how often I feel like making any effort to share them.

on May 30, 2004
Welcome to JU.
on May 30, 2004
Welcome to JU.

I'll second that
on May 30, 2004
You have an interesting style, look forward to reading more, if you can be bothered, hehe!
on May 31, 2004
I'll try to be as interesting as I can. Sometimes I feel like I really don't have anything too interesting to say. Kinda like the blog entry I made today. Boring!!
on Mar 20, 2005
Interesting blog!